
Julia Pfeiffer Burns SP - California State Parks

It features redwood, tan oak, madrone, chaparral, and an 80-foot waterfall that drops from granite cliffs into the ocean waters of Monterey Bay National Marine ...

Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park

The trail passes under the highway and then heads north around McWay Cove, overlooking the waterfall, and beach that was created by a 1983 land slide. The McWay ...

McWay Falls

McWay Falls is an 80-foot-tall (24 m) waterfall on the coast of Big Sur in central California that flows year-round from McWay Creek in Julia Pfeiffer Burns ...

McWay Falls

McWay Falls is a short walk from the parking area. You will walk down stairs to a paved path and leads through a tunnel, and the path meanders to McWay Falls.

McWay Falls in Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park

The waterfall is stunning, dropping some 80 feet onto a pristine beach in an enchanting cove. It is a short 0.6-mile round trip hike to a viewpoint for McWay ...

McWay Falls, Big Sur

The best view of McWay Falls is from the overlook inside Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park. You can park on the shoulder of the highway and walk to the trail, or ...

McWay Falls, California

McWay Falls is a beautiful waterfall in Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park in Big Sur, California. See this spectacular falls from McWay Waterfall Trail.

McWay Waterfall Trail

Even short trails can be worthwhile excursions, and the path to McWay Falls is one of the prime examples of must-do trips along Highway 1.


Itfeaturesredwood,tanoak,madrone,chaparral,andan80-footwaterfallthatdropsfromgranitecliffsintotheoceanwatersofMontereyBayNationalMarine ...,ThetrailpassesunderthehighwayandthenheadsnortharoundMcWayCove,overlookingthewaterfall,andbeachthatwascreatedbya1983landslide.TheMcWay ...,McWayFallsisan80-foot-tall(24m)waterfallonthecoastofBigSurincentralCaliforniathatflowsyear-roundfromMcWayCreekinJuliaP...